As you know, the entire Muslim world has been thrown into chaos. Despite the facts that have come to light about the filmmaker, (he is an Egyption, not Israeli or American, with a shady past and a criminal record) the riots have only intensified. There have been demonstrations in Kabul over the past few day, which have cause all sorts of unrest. In fact, there was a security lock-down at the school yesterday and we were not sure whether we would be able to get home at the usual time.
A family crossing the street |
Fortunately, life at the school continues as usual. After months of not having a cello teacher, my students are working hard and improving quickly. On the other hand, my double bass students, like me, continue to be bewildered by the instrument. I have also started assisting two of the other faculty members with their music theory and ear-training classes. Ultimately the plan is for me to teach a class or two of my own.
Working with the young string ensemble |
I was asked to write a little about the food. Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot to report. The one staple of the Afghan diet that seems to accompany virtually every meal, is a frisbee-sized, fluffy, circular piece of naan. It's actually delicious and perfect for soaking up juices, shoveling food and even wiping your mouth. We have a cook at the school who makes lunch for the faculty and she cycles between Afghan baked beans, macaroni, an eggplant dish and rice. Unfortunately, I have not been able to eat out very much due to the security situation, but I have visited a few expat restaurants.
Afghan naan |
Driving in Kabul is truly an experience. There are no lanes, dividers, stop signs or stop lights. Very few of the roads are paved or well-maintained and the rest resemble motocross race courses. In addition to the chaotic flow of traffic, there are herds of shaggy goats, donkeys pulling carts, men on bikes and motorcycles and crowds of pedestrians strolling among the cars. One thing is certain though, Afghans are some of the fiercest and nimblest drivers out there.
A street scene |
I want to thank everyone for your interest and support! Please let me know if there is some aspect of the life or work here that you would like me to address in future blogs.
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